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is a space where makers like you can share work, get feedback, and learn from other creators. With our interviews with makers, blogs, and tool comparisons, you'll be able to find the tools you need to make your life easier.
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7 free tools to monitor your website uptime - indiediscuss.com

7 free tools to monitor your website uptime

When your customers rely on your website, you cannot afford any downtime. Use these 7 tools to monitor your website downtime and get alerts whenever incidents occur.

Is Product Hunt launch worth it? - indiediscuss.com

Is Product Hunt launch worth it?

Not a million dollar question, but still a relevant question. Is launching your product on Product Hunt worth it? Or, are you just wasting your time going after some community which doesn't give you anything in return

20+ platforms to launch your Product, Product Hunt alternatives - indiediscuss.com

20+ platforms to launch your Product, Product Hunt alternatives

Product Hunt launch is great, but launching in other platforms can bring even more traffic. StatsPH is listing 20+ Product Hunt similar platforms where you can list your product or startup. This is a list of plauisble Product Hunt alternatives.

Setting realistic expectations for Product Hunt launch - indiediscuss.com

Setting realistic expectations for Product Hunt launch

You might have heard that the secret of happiness is low expectation. But with Product Hunt launch you can keep some realistic expecations. Let's take a look at how some products performed at their Product Hunt launches.

Prepare for your Product Hunt launch, the essentials - indiediscuss.com

Prepare for your Product Hunt launch, the essentials

Product Hunt launch can bring some momemtum to your product. Even though Product Hunt may not directly affect your MRR or revenue, it might help to create some awareness and receive some feedback from the maker community.



Product Hunt Analytics - indiediscuss.com

Product Hunt Analytics

A comprehensive analysis of Product Hunt launches. This tool helps you understand how can you do a successful Product Hunt launch.

Tools Direcotry - indiediscuss.com

Tools Direcotry

A comprehensive list of hand-picked best tools which helps your to build your project, categorized based on pricing and more

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